Why (E)U Wildin Out?

Mother Nature 1 - Politicians 0

Welcome back to the Strawman, the daily climate newsletter that’s like a spinach and kale smoothie - might taste a lil funky at first, but it’ll do you a world of good.

Today we’re looking at the EU’s rewilding plans - like most things, sounds great on paper, but actually implementing it? More blockages than a public toilet after Taco Tuesday.

Let’s get to it.

Wild Win for the Wild

It’s like when you’re in a club and you hear a new song. At first you’re like huh? Then you get into the groove and realise it’s a whole vibe.

That’s basically at a high level what’s happened within the EU parliament - the DJ dropped a banger (legislation aiming to return a fifth of the EU's land and sea habitats to their natural glory by 2030), and it’s taken a little while for the vibe to catch on.

Footage of the Strawman(child?) making the most of an eco-friendly club, 2023

Like any good night out though, there’s always the weird group - obnoxious on the dance floor and almost certainly a bit too drunk. That’s the right wing parties in the EU parliament, attempting to veto the rewilding legislation. Thankfully though, they weren’t successful, with the parliament approving the Nature Restoration Law.

Green vs Growth: The Big Debate

Those trying to vote down the legislation did raise an interesting point; when do we prioritise being green vs. driving growth. With expected impact on farmers and offshore wind projects, it might be the case that this is an empty win.

Great for headlines, not so much for those on the frontlines of making the green transition happen.

This debate has also divided members within the party that was opposing the legislation.

The EPP (largest group in the EU parliament) has found that the green debate has them playing musical chairs. With rising support for populist movements across Europe, the fear of losing support among rural voters, and a potentially disruptive impact on farming and wind power projects, the group is being put to the test.

15 members pushed against the party line, voting to approve the legislation; that’s democracy in action baby.

It’s been a lot of dancing - time for the Strawman to get some rest.

Nighty night, and see ya tomorrow.

The Strawman

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